maanantai 9. syyskuuta 2013

Enlightenment = Laughter?

"Have you noticed how many highly enlightened souls, like the Dalai Lama are laughers?  They always seem to have this twinkle in their eyes and a chuckle beneath their every breath. The corners of their lips are in a perpetual upward swoop and every now and then, there is a delicious laugh emanating from deep inside their body" (link). 
I have always thought being a spiritual master is something very serious and restricted. I have practiced in order to become like them, or something like them. But wasn't actually sure that's what I wanted. Really, don't they seem a bit boring to you? Just recently I have encountered a different kind of enlightenment and started observing these enlightened souls, who are actually not supressing their feelings or losing their sarcastic natures. I have come to a conclusion that a true enlightenment is not serious or dull in any sense.
I have experienced enlightenment (or at least that's what I think it was) a couple of times. The feeling is amazing! It's like a huge burst of tingling energy, which feels so good that you just want to laugh. And cry. And laugh again. I have always thought the feeling of enlightenment would be something mysterious. Colors and fireworks and oriental music playing around. Or at least something topped with special effects. But it's even better! 
It's the sense of everything "important" losing it's importance. Losing the self-importance of the ego and being one with your true nature of joy, peace and love. It's the complete feeling of inner silence and tranquility at the same time as the external expression of the hearty, wholesome laughter takes your face and body. Even in the times of the most excruciating pain you feel yourself content. There is no possibility to think anything else besides the present moment, when the force of laughter gets you. You are in a complete state of awareness and openness. All the absurdity and ridiculousness of the societal constructions and social relationships becomes visible. Suddenly everything makes sense and nothing makes sense at all. The feeling just makes you laugh.
When Osho was asked what was the first thing he did after he became enlightened, he replied "I laughed".
Pictures from hereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehere and here.

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